How to work with Salman?

"Yo, can you make me this kind of website?"

"Umm, no?"

Ok, here's the thing

We are complex creatures. It takes a long time to understand ourselves. Even until today, there are still parts of ourselves that work beyond control, hard to comprehend.

It's quite strange, isn't it? When we force others to understand us, while we ourselves never inform others. This writing represents the ideal condition of myself. Unfortunately, there are times when I am not in my usual state. Regardless, I will always strive to be in the ideal condition.

In line with the constantly changing self, this writing will never be finished and will always be updated as my condition changes.


Please directly state your purpose. I may be busy and may not want to start a conversation at that moment. But if you tell me what you need right away, there’s a good chance that I might be able to quickly answer you and move on. That saves a lot of time for you, and for me, and the entire human race.

You can contact me anytime. There is no time limit, even late at night. However, please note that I am not in front of the screen 24 hours a day. There are other responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Messages will be replied to when I have free time. However, for formal matters, the best time to contact is during business hours.

Feel free to reach out again if your message hasn't been replied to after some time. I am not very good at multitasking, which is why sometimes messages are missed and then forgotten to be replied to.

Please ask for permission before adding my name to any list. So that I can carefully consider the decision I will make.

Last updated on 2/7/24